Mens rugby loses out as Storm Bebet rolls in.

Men's 1st, 2nd, & 3rd XV games postponed

The extension of the Red Weather warning for another 24 hours was the deciding factor in the postponement of the 1st  & 2nd XV fixtures.

The appropriate bus companies decided it was prudent to heed the stay at home recommendation and not run buses on Saturday on safety grounds. There can be no argument with the decision. 

In addition the 3rd XV’s game at Kinloss Eagles RUFC has been cancelled as their pitch is waterlogged.  

So at this time the only rugby available at Canal Park tomorrow will be the Caledonia North League Division 2 (Women’s) fixture between Highland and Moray.

The womens game kicks off at 2pm – so why not get along to the club to cheer them on. 

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