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Highland Rugby Lotto Result 24th July

This weeks Highland Rugby Lotto Numbers This week the winning numbers as drawn by Our Club Lotto on behalf of Highland ...
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Highland RFC Golf Competition 2024

The Highland RFC Golf Competition 2024 will be held at Nairn Dunbar Golf Club, Saturday 3rd August 2024, with registration ...
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Summer Camps 2024

This Summer we have two weeks of rugby campsCommunity Camps – Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd of AugustPerformance Camp – ...
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Highland Lotto Result 17th July – We have a winner!!!

This weeks Highland Rugby Lotto Numbers This week the winning numbers as drawn by Our Club Lotto on behalf of Highland ...
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SCRUMCAPS Level 1: Be a Highland 1st Aid Hero!

Enhancing Player Welfare: The Importance of First Aid Training At our club, we are committed to player welfare. To ensure ...
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Former Highland Captain and pal complete epic challenge

Former Highland Captain, and Ross Sutherland, stalwart Alan McLean (67) and Jimmy Beattie (66) have been friends since meeting at ...
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