Generous Sponsor donation sees Highland Boys U15 receive new kit

Recently we received a very generous donation from Stephen
Davies and his team at the Culloden House Hotel.
We took that very kind gesture and were able to purchase a
complete set of new training tops from our kit sponsor Rhino for the boys to
wear while warming up. We also purchased them a set of training bibs
Stephen’s son plays in this age group and the club are very
lucky that we have very supportive parents, sponsors and volunteers.
Highland Rugby Club would like to say a massive THANK YOU to
Stephen and the Culloden House Hotel for their donation.
The under 15 Boys have had a fantastic start to their season and we wish the well on the rest of their games.
If you would like to visit or find more information on Culloden House Hotel please visit https://www.cullodenhouse.co.uk/
If you would also like to become a sponsor of an age group/ player or the club, or would like to find out more details about what sponsorship opportunities are available please email sponsorship@highlandrugbyclub.com